Heritage & Cultural Landscape Documentation
Following Federal standards for photographic documentation of structures and landscapes of significance, I use both large format film and full frame digital photography to capture existing conditions.
Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS) of the Foster City Levees
The Foster City Levees were raised in 2023 to address flood risk due to rising sea level. The increased height of the levees significantly altered the relationship of the city to the waterfront along the San Francisco Bay. The short report (pdf) expands on the history and significance of the city and the levees. The images below document the shoreline with the raised levees during and shortly after construction was completed in 2023 and 2024.
Apartment Building Alteration
The original windows on the building were replaced with retrofit windows that altered the frame and mullion design on the facade of the building. The documentation shows the original windows from the outside and inside. Both film and digital images were captured for the documentation. Digital images of the new windows are included to show the changes to the facades.

Wallenberg High School Steps
The Wallenberg High School steps in San Francisco are a world-renowned skate destination. The school officials needed to separate the parking area from the play area on the black top, so they installed a chainlink fence that effectively bi-furcated the steps. While the fence is not considered a permanent fixture, it has impacted the function of the steps as a gathering space and the number of skaters has significantly decreased since it was installed. The landscape of skateboarding is underrepresented in cultural landscape documentation; this image was a quick attempt to capture this culture in this space before it was altered by the fencing.